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EU Brexit for Expats - Cyprus Solution

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EU Brexit for Expats contains many uncertainties. Expats are concerned to know with certainty how they will be affected, what does the future hold for tax, property and business overseas.

Come January 2017 EU Brexit is given momentum with the Trump factor as the new USA president shakes things up globally.  The consensus politics of the world are being disrupted and new paradigms are being set.

This is not necessarily a bad thing, it is just different.


Cyprus is currently undergoing a another round of talks to solve the 40 year old separation of the island, with a stand-off between the greek v turk ethnic groups.

With Brexit for the UK and the Trump Factor for the USA, there is a new change in the world power axis.

The British prime minister was the first foreign leader to meet with Trump to agree on future trade with UK out of the EU and with the USA ripping up its Pacific and American trade deals.


Look forward.  It was not a coincidence that,in the week of the Trump meeting, the UK committed to a full break with the EU.  That the UK Prime minister then flies to Turkey for trade talks, directly from meeting Trump is not a coincidence. Its also not a coincidence the Turkey v Russia political and military relationship has dramatically strengthen in the last two months. It appears four historical powers, USA, UK, Russia and Turkey are creating a new military and political and trade alliance for the world.

The UK have USA and Turkey as potential free trade partners this creates a new world order for Cyprus and the EU. Good for the UK Brexit and Good for the Trumped US.

The Trump effect could bang heads together and bring the turks and greek cypriots to a unified solution.

The Trump effect also undermines the EU position on Brexit.  From a hard line position after the UK vote, the EU stance is weakened as Trump leads a global free trade revolution. The EU of course is a high tariff trading partner for the USA, like China.  The EU could be put under some pressure to shake up their cosy club.


For expats the only certainty is that things will change.  Register with ProACT Partnership to follow our EU Brexit for Expats update.