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Read Each Day : Learn and Grow

Read Each Day : Learn and Grow



Read each day to absorb and acquire new knowledge , new ideas, new thinking, new distinctions.

This new stuff is never lost. Become part of your subconscious memories and available to support your creativity and innovation in your future.


To progress in any day we must learn our lessons. This learning can be from experience, from doing, from practicing our daily routines and rituals, with our families, our work, our teams and our community.

Learning also comes from gathering knowledge. Yes we can intently watch videos and listen to audio podcasts.

Reading adds a dimension because the sound and vision of the words you are reading are added by your brain as part of your process of the information you are reading.

Reading builds your brain power, your creativity, your imagination, your thinking.


Growth and Progress of your individual self. To be a better partner, parent, team member, community member. To expand your horizons beyond your comfort zone.

Whatever your dream, for health, family, work, the way forward is growth and progress each day.

Part of that process is uniquely achieved by Reading each day; to study your skills, expand your knowledge, improve your diet, understand your community, enjoying adventure and creative arts.


Read Each Day : Learn and Grow

Just finished workout day

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Living and Working Abroad.


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