Power Nap as a Task
Power Nap as a Task
Have you ever felt tired and sleepy during the day ?
A siesta could help but might it disrupt your day ?
Holidays are different. Once you take the stress hormones out of your daily shift your body will automatically relax and catch up to rest and restore including extra sleep.
During the busy work or study week you might fear to take a break and disrupt you day.
But if you bodies circadian rhythm is calling for an afternoon sleep đź’¤ take positive action to include or allow it in your day.
If you try and battle and push through the afternoon fatigue will undermine the rest of the day leading to unproductive time and maybe an early finish.
During a working shift day your body doesn’t need a full sleep but a power nap up to 25 minutes can give the brain a break to boost energy and focus for the remains of the day.
Allowing you to 25 minutes controlled by an alarm allows you to schedule a Power Nap into your working day allow with you coffee, lunch , cooler, walking breaks.
Wake up revitalised and go again to get your shift done.
Power Nap as a Task
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