ProACT Partnership Expatriate Advice

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Simplify What You Do

Simplify What You Do 


Have you too much to do? 

Do you struggle to get it all done? 

That could happen just one day. 

But everyday becomes a habit created by the way you organise your world. 


Ask yourself is all that you do necessary? 

What is the benefit ?

If it’s worth it , do you have to do it or could it be delegated? 

That’s two strike outs for the unnecessary.  

Are your daily routines organised into blocks of time where the same types of work is done in the same time and same place to maximise efficiency ? 

A simple matter to organise your day to blocks. 

Are you over committing? Don’t try to complete a project each time. Complete what you can in the time allowed, update everyone , then move on to the next job without overrun.  

When the end of day arrives review the outcome to notice the successes and areas to simplify and improve. 

It’s that easy with the discipline and intent too …


Simplify What You Do 


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