A Broad Brush Blog: The Laws of Love Are the Laws of Life

The Laws of Love Are

the Laws of Life

Living and Working Abroad is no different to staying put. Life works in the same way whether you dream of an adventure without ever setting off, or, dedicate your life to travel and experience the wonders of the world, or choose to live by the sea in a Mediterranean environment, or work in the hustle and bustle of a major world city like New York, London, Beijing or Tokyo.

Life is the same, the location is different.

When dreaming of Living and Working Abroad, relocation overseas or investing in offshore business or property, planning and research is a necessary part of the process, as is finding new people who can give you the information you need to guide you. As are the new relationships you will build as you travel to new villages around the world.

Are there differences in relationships in different parts of the world ?

Trust and Commitment

Love needs absolute commitment to build trust and confidence between two people.

Life needs absolute commitment to build trust in teams at work, in education , in a Community, between client and service providers, between Friends, within a family and in a relationship.

In all aspects of human life there needs to be absolute commitment to build trust and confidence in relationships over the long term.

Remember this Commitment when

A/ starting any new relationship

B/ as you maintain a relationship day to day

C/ for all relationships in personal, business or in your community

INVEST in Relationships

When you take care to build trust and Confidence the outcome is you bring joy to your relationships and your World.

You give great customer service to happy clients.

You pay attention to your commitments made to colleagues and your stock rises, your career progresses.

You deliver for your kids as a taxi service, in their education and they build trust and confidence within the family.

You are present in the moments together of your relationship giving time and attention to your partners needs, bringing them joy and happiness and strengthening the bind in your relationship.

Your inner self is happy with your world. Trusting yourself to do as you say, and deliver commitments to the people in your world - partner, family, business, Community. When you are happy and Trust yourself then you can trust and be happy in others

In business, in work, in family, with partners, with yourself....

The Laws of Love Are the Laws of Life



Living and Working Abroad.


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