Long Winters and the Dawn of Brexit

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ProACT Sam looks for a slither of daylight and clear vision for the year ahead in 2020.

Greenland is a land of 24 hour darkness in midwinter.
Greenland was also the first country to leave the EU.
After a referendum it took them 6 years to leave the EU in 1985.

As Mid winter approaches the UK faces a general election that could see a new dawn in 20:20 with a clear Brexit vision ahead.

The UK Referendum voting to leave the EU in 2015 could see Brexit come to pas by 2021.

If a new UK government votes through the Withdrawal Treaty already agreed between the EU and UK then a tranistion year in 2020 will lead to a new post Brexit world for the UK and EU in 2021.

Then during 2020 UK Expats would get clarity for the future with little apparent change initially as the Brexit Day leads into the transition. EU freedom of movement would continue through 2020 with EU and UK expats still able to relocate into the UK or EU under EU citizen rights.

Expats can look forward to relocating to the UK or EU before the end of the transition period as EU citizens to start a new life Living and Working Abroad with the right to acquire settled status or permanent residency after 5 years.

If further renegotiation and referendums are voted for there will be further confusion and delay, with an extension of 2 years likely for any subsequent transition period.
If a new Withdrawal Treaty was negotiated, and then put to a national vote, it may be get done by the end of 2020. Almost certainly the EU and UK would agree to another 2 year transition period - the longest allowed under the treaty.

In the bleak mid winter, we can look forward to happy times ahead. The dawn of a new year with a clear vision of the year ahead in 20:20.

Get your FREE (incl. P+P) 2020 calendar now and look forward to next year with ProACT.

ProACT Know How

ProACT Expat Experts are here to help. if you need any help and assistance Living and Working Abroad, contact us for residency, tax registration, starting a business and protecting assets, plus the latest EU Brexit news for Expats, Contact us.

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