More Time For a Taxing Year Ahead

ProACT have created a 2021 Desk Calendar so that together we can look forward to a less taxing year ahead. Available free to all our Retained Clients and subscribers

We have incorporated quotes from Max Erhmanns 1927 Poem Desiderata - Things desired and wanted.

We trust you will find it mindful and allow time for reflection as we grow forward from the years of Brexit and Covid and Look forward to Living and Working Abroad in the years ahead.

The calendar covers the calendar tax year and the UK Tax year that runs to April 5th 2022.

Plenty of time to look forward….

Why is the UK Tax year different?

All Julian calendar years started at the spring equinox and Easter time - 25th March. One of the reasons Easter is still such a big holiday in the Orthodox World, the start of a ‘new year’. 

The Julian Calendar was established by Julius Caesar around 46BC, but was not accurate so required periodic adjustments every few years from Roman times for the 11 minutes a year error.

Starting in 1582 the Europeans, initiated by the Pope in Rome, started using the new Gregorian Calendar. This corrected technical errors in the calendar measurement of a year that had built up over the years since the Julian calendar was established. 

Noting never in history was there a year of nothing in the calendar, there was no year zero, 0. 

In both calendars, 1BC was followed by 1AD.

On The Contrary

Britain, in a Brexit moment, did not go along with this change to the Gregorian calendar until 1750. By which time the error between the old Julian Calendar and the new Gregorian Calendar was 11 days.

So from 1st January 1752 the new calendar was adopted and Britain ‘lost 11 days’. 

No problems there then?

Taxing Year

Of course there was. Social discord and riots in the streets. The problem was tax, the UK Tax system wasn't adjusted from the start of the tax year, and the British were unhappy about lost income and higher taxes for the lost 11 days.

The practical solution was to switch the British tax year from the end of the old calendar year 25th March, moving it back 11 days, to 5th April. And so it remains today.

Things Desired and Wanted for 2021

We want 2021 to be full of things wanted and desired. So the ProACT 2021 calendar gives you extra: not only one calendar year end, but an extension to cover 2 UK tax year ends, 2 Chinese new years, 2 Roman New years at the spring equinox. January 2021 to April 2022.

2021 will not be a year of nothing, it could be a year of things desired.

What are you looking forward to in 2021? 

What other solutions can we find for the year ahead?

Get your free 2021 desktop calendar