Come Back to the Routine Every Time

Come Back to the Routine Every Time

Have you ever been running late? Or had too much in your plate?
Have you experienced inner resistance to starting the cleaning or exercising or running or job?
We all have times when our brains complain about the effort of starting up, encouraging you to rest, wait awhile or get distracted.
Sometimes you could need a break. You may have overdone the running or exercise recently.
Maybe you have had a very demanding week and need to rest and restore.
Make that judgement. A rest day once a week is ok, a holiday every 3 months is good practice, a move break every hour keeps your stamina levels up for the day.
Whatever you decide, always come back to the habit.
Habits are routine things we do without our brains thinking. We are conditioned to do these without conscious energy consuming brain time. Habits are easy.
The one discipline in your life to anchor to is to always come back to your routine time, place and actions to get more done with less effort. Ensuring you never lose sight of your dreams.
Come Back to the Routine Every Time


Thoughts Beget Action ©

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