ProACT Partnership Expatriate Advice

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DooDle has two Do’s in it

DooDle has two Do’s in it

To doodle is to scribble aimlessly and absent mindedly.

It could be a positive creative act.

Creatively listening to a speaker.

It could be negative procrastination inaction. An excuse not to do.

It could be doubt along the way to take your time driving or walking somewhere allowing distractions along the way.

This might be because you are not clear on the destination or the route.

So you try to go left for a while and then turn back to go right before proceeding straight on, or going back to the beginning.

Or waiting for the sat nav for directions to tell you where next.


In our work days we could doodle the time in a number of ways.

A procrastination from doing the job. Waiting for the clock to tick down.

An irresponsible attitude that doesn’t accept the responsibilities of your role, so that you excuse your self with busy work and wait for someone to make the decisions and issue instructions.

You could get stuck because you are not clear on the instructions or objectives required. Either within your organisation and team, or within yourself. Without a clear direction and destination you easily get stuck at a crossroads wondering whether to go left, right, straight on or back to the beginning.

Or a lack of confidence in yourself that makes it difficult for you to make decisions. This could have elements from the other examples but could also be personal confidence.

A fear of taking decisions and actions in a situation.


If we understand that we have to fail to learn things can change.

Any alternative is a binary choice. Black or white. Left or right. Forward or back. Yes or no.

When we make these decisions we could fail, to do so is to learn quickly what doesn’t work.

That’s experience.

If we systematically try and fail the options we will find the way that works. To fail is to learn.


To Doodle could be creative.

Or a waste of time. Lost momentum. To stagnate in life stuck at a cross roads.

There are two do’s in DooDle.

Do them both find the way way that works. Try, fail, learn, progress.

The art of the DooDle is to do and to learn.

Try both ways, find your way..


DooDle has two Do’s in it


Thoughts Beget Action ©

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