Have Skilful People Help You

Have Skilful People Help You

When you get busy at home or work what do you do?

Work longer hours?

Do your best to cope until things ease?

Try harder?

We all do these things to cope with short term demands.


Sometimes the job at hand needs extra skill, not time.

If a business brings in a trainee it takes long term training and development to get those people useful and productive.

They could be enthusiastic and helpful at the onset but still need time and instruction to do anything beyond the basics.

When a house needs an extension or driveway or new lighting, a specialist is needed. Someone with the skill to do the job.

In a work environment a growing business needs to recruit not keen young helpers but to hire people with a skill ready to rock. A web site manager. A bookkeeper. Sales people. People managers.

If the business fill the gaps with recruits with ready made skill sets they can be fitted into the business to work on their own initiative.


No one that’s busy needs help. Busy people get things done. When the demands persist and go beyond capacity busy people need to surround themselves with additional people with a skill set that means they can go to work to do the job on their own initiative.

A recruit that needs 3 years to train up will take the time of the busy people already. Better recruit the trainer first.


At home or business hire people with skills. Hire a plumber, an electrician, a digital marketer, a legal secretary, a bookkeeper.


Have Skilful People Help You


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