ProACT Partnership Expatriate Advice

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Manage With Water

Have you ever felt hungry mid morning?

Do you ever feel pain and fatigue after a long workout or day?

Does your brain ever feel done and unable to take on one last job?

Have you ever been hot and bothered by heat and humidity?

We all do.

Many times each day.

We can use these times as a benchmark or an excuse.

It could make the difference between success and everything else.


We all have the same basic biology.

Our bodies are run in part by our mind.

We learn habits and routines to improve our productivity.

A habit to take the break.

Or to be distracted.

Or to get one more job done.

That’s only half of the equation.

Our bodies run on chemicals. Feeding energy needs but also behaviours and moods.

All the chemicals go though our bloodstream.

Affecting how we feel.

That’s the challenge. To over come the physical signal to eat, give up, excuse yourself.

Our mood habits drive our productivity just as much and learned behaviours.

We can also train muscle memory to behave.

Everyone has the same basic biology.


Hunger, fatigue, brain fog, heat… the first answer is always the same.

Drink water.

Dilute the blood. Lubricate your bloodstream and system by staying hydrated.

Allowing the body to release through the bloodstream the energy stored in fat cells, release toxins trapped in muscles and joints, oxygenate the brain for the next job, and cool the body down.

Movement helps as a short walk or exercise will increase the heart rate and speed the process.

But manage your day, manage your productivity, manage your life with water.

Fill your days with water not excuses.


Manage With Water
