To Organise is Always the First Step

Have you ever found that you have a missing ingredient when preparing a meal?

Have you ever found your self locked out of a car, house or computer for a misplaced key or password?

Do you find jobs taking longer because you have to gather additional info or materials half way through?

This could happen with any task we do, at home or work.


Before you start preparing and cooking the meal you must organise to have the right ingredients available. Not the preparation chopping of the onions.

The organisation to buy the onions and have them in the fridge is complete.

Before you start a diy job you need all the materials and tools.

You need the wood and the fixing screws.

You need the screwdrivers and the spades.

Without the right tools, the right materials, the right fixings you are not organised to start the job.

When working online you need the relevant information to login, access and process the information. If the information is not digitised and accessible, is the paper or memory to hand the job cannot be completed smoothly in one go without distraction from the objective of completing the task.


Before you start preparing a meal, building a unit, submitting online,

You need to be organised.

Not just allocating the time and place for action,

But also to gather the tools, equipment, information and ingredients.

Once you have organised all the materials, made them accessible at the time and place to do the job,

Allocated the time and place to do the work,

Then you are organised.

The first step is complete.

At work

You can set off without foreseen hiccups in your work.

Unforeseen issues may still arise, but that is expected.

Foremost to your personal integrity, you are organised to complete preparation and execution of the task.

Whatever may be demands that you organise first, before preparation, before actioning the job.


To Organise is Always the First Step
