What Will You Wish For? Cremation V Burial


Sam Orgill www.proactpartnership.com   How Do You Want To Leave This World ? Safe, Secure, Fun

When you make a Will you are setting out how your accumulated processions, assets and wealth are to be passed on and who to. You could create legacies for the good of family down the generations, or through charities that you support.

Cremation V Burial

Not everyone likes to discuss their funeral service and how their body is disposed of.  However if you will die, these questions need to be dealt with.  Often this is done with private agreement between family. In this article we wish to explore what that you choices and options are.

A recent survey in the UK found British people had a 60% preference for cremation.  Of those favouring cremation 80% envisaged their ashes be scattered.


Interestingly the survey showed that older people swung towards cremation while young people still prefer burial. 

Young or old is a relative term. Some people think they could live beyond 100 but the average age at death in the UK is 81. When we do die makinga Written Will ensures your wishes are carried out, and these wishes could include your funeral service, and the cremation v burial choice.

You Choose

How your body is disposed of is something you can direct.  On death your executors may decide on cremation v burial.  If you make a Will you can leave specific detailed letters of wishes and instructions to your executors. If you don’t make a Will you are at the whim of a court appointed executor to decide on your way out.

In the UK the executors can choose between cremation or burial.  Under new cremation law in Cyprus the executors cannot choose cremation: unless the deceased leaves written instructions requesting cremation the a body in Cyprus must be buried.

Cremation is available in Cyprus, but there are no licensed crematoria yet.  A body could still be relocated to a home country to allow cremation.  If you want cremation in Cyprus you must put this is a signed letter that can be a clause added to your Will or as a separate Letter of Wishes.


Once cremated the ashes could be ‘scattered’ or retained in an urn, or buried in a memorial. These choices have to be expressed before death.  Putting them in writing creates an obligation for the trustees to carry out your wishes.

With Burial in Cyprus it is important to understand the traditions, that a public cemetery does not provide a permanent burial spot.  Make no bones about it, if you want to be buried and rest in peace in Cyprus you have to buy a private burial plot.

Who can you trust?

In crusader days Knights would lock up their wife’s in a chastity belt and entrusted the key to a friend who was responsible for protecting his assets.  This law became part of English law and is a basis of inheritance tax trust and estate planning.

Make a Will and Trust to protect overseas property assets for your family and friends on death.  A Family Trust avoids Cyprus laws of succession where only blood relatives can benefit. By creating a Family Trust today for Cyprus Property you could also make tax savings in capital gains, inheritance tax, IMPT and inheritance taxes on your death.

Add to your Will your wishes for Burial v Cremation and the type of funeral service you desire.


Look Forward – Plan Ahead

Overseas Property in Cyprus has become a better investment with lower property taxes in Cyprus.  ProACT can offer help and guidance to Protect your overseas Property using a Will or Family Trust for Expats. Make a Will to Protect your wishes on death to how your body and your assets pass to your successors.  Asset Protection is about looking forward to make tax savings. ProACT expat experts offer tax saving for people living and working and investing abroad. Find out more at our website.

Read More: Precious Assets Protect Them Well      

Sam Orgill

ProACT Partnership - Tax Saving Experts

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ProACT Sam Orgill

Sam Orgill

ProACT Partnership - Tax Saving Expat Expert

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