Save Probate Costs & Inheritance Tax with Cyprus Property Trust 9 Benefits of a Cyprus Property Family Trust

Do you ever wonder how your family would deal with your Overseas Property on Death? How your wife, husband, children would cope with the time, expense and development of settling your estate in your home country and overseas?

How would you tackle the UK probate and Inheritance tax assessment, a possible demand for 40% inheritance tax payable with 6 months of death?

A simple UK probate on average takes 9 months to settle. If you need probate overseas as well then that time is easily doubled. How would your family manage the overseas property? What is the expense of Probate lawyers overseas (10%) and offshore property agents (5%) and the time off work and travel to clear up your time living and working abroad?

We have created a free article on our website listing the 7 Benefits of a Cyprus Property Family Trust for expats owning overseas property in Cyprus and other countries.

We know from experience over 20 years that planning ahead to protect your Family overseas property assets from the cost and delay of Probate, Forced Sale and Inheritance Tax at a difficult time for your loved ones. 

ProACT can help you protect your family assets down the generations.

Remember, we offer a FREE no obligation Review.

7 Benefits of a Cyprus Property Family Trust

1.           The Trust Deed & Gift can be created

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10 Things To Do for Expats to Protect Overseas Property Investment

Sam Orgill  asks what do you want from the changes to Domicile from a Cyprus perspective. Change of Domicile Impacts Everything

In the Summer of 2015 Cyprus has introduced wide ranging changes in legislation that has a direct impact on the tax status of assets held by expats in Cyprus. 

Now every Expat must review their Wills, Inheritance Tax, Savings Taxes and Property Title Deeds: to bring their needs in line with the new legislation. 

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Precious Assets - Protect Them Will

Sam Orgill of ProACT Expatriate Advice discusses one of life's certainties and the Benefits of Making a Will

Inheritance tax is the last tax return you need to make and can be expensive. With planning taxes of 40% or more can be saved for the family. How do you do that?

What is included? Inheritance tax is charged on all the assets you own or have a share of. This can include; property in Cyprus, UK or worldwide; business value; savings and investment; pensions values; vehicles; and anything else of value in your legal possession at your death.

Your world wide assets are included. That is what you own in Cyprus and elsewhere. Crucially you are assessed for inheritance tax in each country you have assets in, plus the country... Read more. 

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Sam Orgill of gives

5 Things Expats Should include in Their Exit Strategy - when Living and Working Abroad Goes Wrong

What gets missed, in the excitement and enthusiasm of relocating overseas, achieving your dream of Living and Working Aboard, investing in overseas property and business, is an exit strategy. 

We all get carried away with something new, something exciting, and can easily allow our common sense to be left on the beach while we go in search of promised new lands, home and work abroad. But what then? How do we get back home? What if the dream fails?

Here’s a check list of 5 things for expats to include in their exit strategy.


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Protect Your Family Home Living and Working Abroad

Protect Your Family Home Living and Working Abroad

With a few steps you can protect your Family overseas property from death, taxes and changing circumstances.

Life teaches us that things will change.  We grow older, the family needs evolve, work commitments change, health care matters more.  We can look forward and make plans to protect the family and your overseas property , business and investments. Better this that unexpected changes forcing sudden change, and expense that often come with tax bills and ownership issues.

This Article sets out the steps you can take to proptect your family home overseas , clcik read more or contact us.


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5 Ways to Save Inheritance Tax on Overseas Property Investment - Works for Capital Gains Tax Too !!

5 Ways to Save Inheritance Tax on Overseas Property Investment - Works for Capital Gains Tax Too !!

ProACT Sam Orgill Gives you 5 ways to Save Inheritance Tax or Capital Gains Tax being paid on your Overseas Property Investment. 

The time to protect your overseas property investment for tax savings is before your need to let it go. Whether you sell, give away or die there are potential inheritance or Capital Gains Taxes. If your Business gets in trouble you can ring fence your overseas property investment from creditors. You may lose your health and need long term care, again personal assets can be drained to pay medical or nursing home care fees.

CLICK HERE to Read the Full Article 5-ways-to-save-inheritance-tax-on-overseas-property-investment-works-for-capital-gains-tax-too

Whatever the reason to move on and the transfer of the overseas property investment (or business) there is a potential tax liability.  Capital Gains and Inheritance Tax Savings of up to 40% can be achieved if you plan ahead and organise your assets in a tax efficient manner. By looking forward, planning ahead you can save thousands in tax when selling overseas property.


CLICK HERE to Read the Full Article 5-ways-to-save-inheritance-tax-on-overseas-property-investment-works-for-capital-gains-tax-too

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6 Reasons to Make a Will for Overseas Property Investment

6 Reasons to Make a Will for Overseas Property Investment from

Sam Orgill  

To Protect Family Assets from Expense, Delay, Capital + Inheritance Tax Savings

What gets missed, in the excitement and enthusiasm of Overseas Property Investment is the exit strategy if something goes wrong. 

Overseas Property Investment is a dream but can become a better investment with lower property taxes and avoiding the cost and delay of probate on first death. 


6 Reasons to Make a Will Trust to Protect Overseas Property Investment

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Plan Ahead - 5 Things for Expats to Prepare In Case Living and Working Abroad Goes Wrong

Plan Ahead

Sam Orgill of gives

5 Things for Expats to Prepare In Case Living and Working Abroad Goes Wrong

What gets missed, in the excitement and enthusiasm of relocating overseas and achieving your dream of Living and Working Aboard, is the exit strategy.  Of course the property purchase has to be completed quickly before it is ‘sold to the other buyer’. You can sort the details of finances while on the beach sipping cocktails, right?

EU Brexit for Expats could impact in this areas with forced heirship and taxes invalidating existing arrangements.


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5 Actions to Protect Your Overseas Property Investment

5 Things to Protect your Overseas Property Investment

Will You Wait for the Date? 

Sam Orgill from  gives 5 Actions to Protect your Overseas Property Investment from Expenses Plus Capital + Inheritance Tax Savings

When you consider relocation the first thing you consider is somewhere to live. The second is to manage your income, whether from pension, investments, business or as a contractor. When you make the move to become an expat you get busy making local registrations for everything from electricity to visas, tax to social club, bank accounts to medical. We understand this.

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Make a Will: Tax Saving for Expats

Sam Orgill of ProACT Partnership on using a Will for Tax Saving by Expats

The Cyprus changes to Succession mean Expats must make written changes to their Will to avoid forced heirship and retain financial control of their affairs on first death.

This can be done with a simple codicil or with an update Will.  Our View is that a codicil is risky: in cyprus the Will deed is stamped. A separate codicil document could be valid, but it increases the potential of being misplaced or not being consistent with the Will.

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Will You Leave In the Way you Want? Or Will Law of Succession Decide for You?

Sam Orgill   How Do You Want To Leave This World ? Laws of Succession and Estates can limit your chooses once your gone

When you make a Will you are setting out how your accumulated processions, assets and wealth are to be passed on and who to. You could create legacies for the good of family down the generations, or through charities that you support. You can also choose your funeral service.

These choice are available during your lifetime, but not always on death. as you wish.

Who Will you Trust? What Control Do You Have? Does EU Brexit Impact?

Read the Full Article What Will You Wish For? Cremation V Burial

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EU Brexit - Can You Trust Laws of Succession for Overseas Property?

Sam Orgill ProACT Partnership examines the impact of EU Laws on Overseas Property Assets in Euroland

In 2015 an EU directive on Laws of Succession became law in all EU countries other than those who opted out -  UK Ireland and Denmark. In the first step towards Brexit the UK choose not to give up sovereignty of its national Laws of Succession and hand them over to EU law. Once an EU directive is adopted into law the member state loses sovereignty on that aspect of law, and the 'supreme court' of justice moves to the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg.

EU Laws of Succession

The EU law of Succession is based upon on EU traditions dating back to the Romans: the principle being assets pass to blood relatives.  This distribution  to relatives is fixed and means that trusts, charities, friends, unmarried partners, step children and children born out of wedlock can lose out. 

UK law of succession allows each person to make a Will and leave benefits to people they choose, irrespective of the blood connection, marriage.  There are rules for distribution of an estate if you die and do not leave a WIll.

This could be a great cause of concern to Expats owning Overseas Property in the EU.


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