Posts in EU Brexit for Expats
No Such Thing As No Deal - How EU Brexit Affects Expats

ProACT Sam Orgill Highlights the steps Expats should consider taking to secure their future Living and Working Abroad.

Have you ever tried to agree a sabbatical from work or school, to find yourself embroiled in a negotiation and conditions? That you have to use holiday pay, or forgo pay, that you must evidence the reasons for the absence? 

Or have you ever tried to change your working hours, gain some flexibility, to have conditions applied to your reasonable request made with best intention?

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Currency Chatter. Deadline Deals for Brexit

ProACT Sam says that the apparent breakthrough in withdrawal treaty negotiations can give Expats extra confidence, but that we already had certainties of the changes ahead for Expat business and individuals.

After the Brexit vote the UK GBP v EURO fell from as high as Euro 1.30 to GBP £1.00 to around Euro 1.11

As with many things in Brexit we hear constant reports of currency falling or rising. 

As our report showed last year , for all the ups and down, Pound Sterling as a currency has been around 1.11 for the last two years.  

So this weekends news that after all the politicking , all the PR from vested interests, all the lobbying , a withdrawal treaty is suddenly agreed between the EU and UK negotiators, has an immediate impact on currency.

Straight away we see this happening, a jump in the EURO:GBP Rate to Euro1.13 to £1.00. No surprise.

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