Eliminate What You Can

Eliminate What You Can 



Do you suffer the stress of overload day in day out?

At home, study or work?

It can happen in the ebb and flows of our days, sometimes though it’s not so temporary. The overload stays with you day after day building to a crisis point when you need to get relief somehow.

Like when you need to go to the toilet, your body tenses because of the need eliminate excess. 

It’s a natural and necessary process to restore balance to your body and allow you to progress with your day. Eliminated of any excesses, waste and toxins. 


Ask you self is this necessary for everything on your to do list. 

If the task does contribute to your goals and objectives you need to cross it out the list and forget it.  

If it really is something you wish to do put it in the ‘someday’ pile of things to do when time allows. Take these jobs off the table and your schedule. 

Consider everything else you are doing. 

What could someone else do for you? 

Who can you get help get jobs done?

What resource can you call on to work out? 

What could you delegate?

Asking someone else to do even part of your work trains them up to help you progress short and long term as well as offering relief 🥲 right now to your pressing needs. 

Once you have flushed out everything that you don’t need to do, can put off to the sometime some day list, or that I’d delegated to others ,

You can breath a sigh of relief having washed your hands of a bundle of tasks. 

Having decluttered your to do list you can then focus all the better on what’s important and get it done one time. 


Eliminate What You Can 



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