Posts in coronavirus
Why are the UK so slow in allowing double jabbed citizens to travel again?

The UK raced ahead with their vaccine rollout leaving a slow cumbersome EU in the dust.

Through the rapid vaccination program they found out that the vaccines were protecting people against serious disease, hospitalisation and death - including against the new Delta variant.

So why haven't the UK allowed its double jabbed citizens to travel freely?

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Restrictions for Travelling to Cyprus for Expats

ProACT Sam outlines the restrictions for expats who want to travel to and from Cyprus. For help living and working in Cyprus during these restrictive times we offer a free review of your circumstances and a clear way forward.

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Brexit, Corona & Residency Transition for Expats

The UK have confirmed they won’t ask for a transition period extension.

So in mid July the trade negotiations continue in earnest. The EU presidency for the rest of 2020 is Germany and their leader Angela Merkel starts the process by saying no trade deal is a possible outcome this year. So 2019, where we saw media negotiations with rival positions debated over the airways.

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As lockdown rules are lifted, how can Expats live with the Coronavirus?

As lockdown rules are lifted at differing rates across countries throughout the world, how can Expats live with the Coronavirus, moving forwards? We look at best practice for Expat businesses as lockdown rules are lifted and clarify rules on tax residence for Expats locked down in the UK and unable to get flights.

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