Am I Eligible for Healthcare now the UK has left the EU?
ProACT Sam clarifies state healthcare post Brexit.
What will happen the day after Independence Day?
The UK is likely to sign agreements with countries with large expat communities such as Cyprus, Ireland, Spain & Portugal quickly after the transition period ends in the new year. Find out more in the video below.
Touch or Go on Brexit
ProACT Sam looks forward to independence day and clarifies the last minute things Expats should do to secure their EU Citizen Rights before Brexit ends December 31th.
Why you need to secure settled status before Brexit ends
ProACT Sam highlights 5 things expats need to do before the end of the transition period.
5 Things Expats Need to do Before the End of the Transition Period
ProACT Sam highlights 5 things expats need to do before the end of the transition period.
Brexit Deal or No Deal for Expats?
ProACT Sam discusses the issues outstanding with Brexit and what the impact on Expats Living and Working Abroad in the EU and UK.
Brexit transition period and residency in Europe
Residency in Europe is a critically important planning point for Expats living in the Schengen area, for those in the UK considering a move to an EU country, and for anyone used to travelling between the UK and property in Europe.
Brexit, Corona & Residency Transition for Expats
The UK have confirmed they won’t ask for a transition period extension.
So in mid July the trade negotiations continue in earnest. The EU presidency for the rest of 2020 is Germany and their leader Angela Merkel starts the process by saying no trade deal is a possible outcome this year. So 2019, where we saw media negotiations with rival positions debated over the airways.
Latest for Expats Part 3: Brexit, Expat Residency and Travel
Latest news for Expats based on current topics of concern in the form of ‘BERT’: Brexit, Expat Residency and Travel update. This third article is part of a short 3-part series and delivers an update on travel under the impact of the Coronavirus.
Latest for Expats Part 2: Brexit, Expat Residency and Travel
Latest news for Expats based on current topics of concern in the form of ‘BERT’: Brexit, Expat Residency and Travel update. This second article is part of a short 3-part series and delivers an update on Expat Residency Rights.
Latest for Expats Part 1: Brexit, Expat Residency and Travel
Latest news for Expats based on current topics of concern in the form of ‘BERT’: Brexit, Expat Residency and Travel update. This first article is part of a short 3-part series and delivers an update on Brexit for Expats.
3 things Expats in Cyprus need to consider now
ProACT Sam considers 3 things that expats in Cyprus need to consider now.