Decisive : Calm : Assertive



3 Ways To Get Want You Want


As soon as we show an emotional outburst we lose control with ourselves, our family , our team, our competitors, our associates.

Love, Confidence and Trust can be  undermined by any emotional outburst.

I know from experience how your dreams and ambitions for relationships, family, career and team could be undermined by an emotional outburst.

It doesn't matter if you think you are passionate and care about moving forward. If you lose control it is open to interpretation and you lose the confidence, love and trust of the people around you.

You can also lose that love and trust in yourself and send you into a downward cycle.


So here are 3 ways to get what you want with your self , family , team, clients and associates, by staying in control emotionally.


Be decisive. Make decisions Have confidence in your self. Believe in your self. Sure you make mistakes. But each decision is a leadership statement. Each decision is a step forward.

Many people will gain confidence and trust from your decisions and are more willing to keep following your lead.

Other people ahead of you will notice your potential and learn to trust you and bring them into your circle.

This leads to new friendships, closer family , better teamwork, more business from associates and clients.


Be Calm. Daily practice of meditation and mindfulness can help you centre on what's important for your day and your world.

Mindful Mediation is easy. You can only have one thought at  a time. If a trigger arises that normally leads to an upset, anger, despair, or self doubt, create a 'disrupter' phrase or action that you can think or say or do that disrupts and stop the trigger leading to an emotional outburst.

Being conscious of this one disrupter when you need it helps you stay Calm, in your busy, hectic, demanding days.

Here's a disruption phrase that you can use whenever an emotional trigger appears, just keep repeating this phrase, nothing else until the emotion calms down. Here's the phrase. Write it down. Practice and repeat to stay Calm:

"Let It Go" **

Be calm and the people around you to gain confidence, trust and love in your relationships.


Be Assertive

You have rights to be you, live the life you want, assuming you are not negatively affecting others. As long as you are fair and reasonable. Others may not agree, but with rights, justice and fairness on you side, your will can prevail.

Assertive means stating what you want. And working towards this. What are your dreams? What do you want to achieve?

How can you move forward to achieve those dreams ?

Now carry out actions that are not aggressive, self centred, jealous and don't disadvantage or harm the people around you.

Assertive is a form of passive action to move forward. A form of persuasion without war and battles. A persuasion based upon actions and example  of your way forward.

Persuasion is leadership by example. Being assertive allows you to gain confidence and trust in your lead and vision of what you want without anger and emotion.


Practice these 3 steps and build a happy environment  built on confidence, trust and love in you, your family, team, clients, associates and community.


** or sing it


Decisive : Calm : Assertive




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