Sam Orgill of gives

5 Things Expats Should include in Their Exit Strategy - when Living and Working Abroad Goes Wrong

What gets missed, in the excitement and enthusiasm of relocating overseas, achieving your dream of Living and Working Aboard, investing in overseas property and business, is an exit strategy. 

We all get carried away with something new, something exciting, and can easily allow our common sense to be left on the beach while we go in search of promised new lands, home and work abroad. But what then? How do we get back home? What if the dream fails?

Here’s a check list of 5 things for expats to include in their exit strategy.


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EU Brexit for Expats, Tax Saving, Cyprus Tax, UK tax ProACT Sam Orgill EU Brexit for Expats, Tax Saving, Cyprus Tax, UK tax ProACT Sam Orgill

Pension Freedom for Expats - Business or Retired

New Pension Freedom Rules allow Expats to Draw the whole of their UK based pension fund and pay tax in their country of overseas tax residence. This offers potentially large tax savings for Expat Business and Retired people Living and Working Abroad.

You don't have to retire to free your pension, even if living and working abroad, you can still reclaim the pension once you are over 55.

In the UK any Pension fund over £43,000 could generate a UK tax bill of 40% (£17,200)

The freed pension funds can then be invested in any way, cash investments, family business, overseas property, family education, repay loans, enjoy retirement. 

ProACT can help free your Pension and reclaim big tax savings up to 40%.


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Business Start-Ups for Cyprus Expats

Business Start Up costs in Cyprus are expensive and new Expat Business starting in Cyprus should consider their approach to save money and tax in the crucial first two years as the business gets going.

Consider a contractor or sole trader starting a new Cyprus Business.  A start new business could pay over Euro 900 per quarter as a fixed social insurance from the outset. While reductions can be achieved with allot of hard work a minimum social insurance tax bill would be around Euro 300 per quarter.

With good planning you could reduce the business set up costs while remaining compliant for income tax, VAT and Social Insurance


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Tax Return Service, Tax Saving, Cyprus Tax ProACT Sam Orgill Tax Return Service, Tax Saving, Cyprus Tax ProACT Sam Orgill

Business Relief for Cyprus Business Behind With Social Insurance Payments

Embattled Cyprus Companies, Self Employed and all Employers are offered welcome relief in new legislation that offers tax saving and a payment plan to bring Social Insurance upto date. Businesses must make a written application to receive tax savings of interest and avoid legal action for social insurance arrears.

Contact Us 

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Tax Saving, Cyprus Business, Overseas Property ProACT Sam Orgill Tax Saving, Cyprus Business, Overseas Property ProACT Sam Orgill

Tax Accounting Records for an Offshore Company

If you use an offshore company for contracting overseas or holding assets offshore , then using a Belize company can give you Tax Saving on Income and Capital and Inheritance if used in the right way. Contact Us

But you may have a tax liability in your personal or business country of tax residence.  Or in your country of domicile for inheritance tax

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