2 Ways to Reclaim Tax on Cyprus Property
Have you got your title deeds finally in the last two years but paid more in transfer taxes than you planned ?
Have you sold a Cyprus Property and paid more capital gains on a valuation that didn’t match up?
Was your Immovable Property Tax bill very high?
The ProACT Tax Saving Expat Experts see this issue every week.
We Recently Saved a Client €3500 Capital Gains Tax
5 Top Low Tax Options for Expats
Tuesday Tax: Tax Won’t Change With Brexit UK-Cyprus
5 Top Low Tax Options for Expats Living and Working Abroad
The UK and Cyprus have had a personal and business double taxation treaty since 1974. This will not change after Brexit nor impact on personal or business tax arrangements. Double taxation treaties exist with countries as diverse as Albania and Algeria to Zambia and Vietnam.
Tuesday Tax: 3 Ways the Tax Man Receives Exchanged Information
Tuesday tax is a weekly briefing of tax news for people Living and Working Abroad from ProACT Partnership Tax Saving Expat Experts.
Have you wondered why your banks, savings institutions and property lawyers are chasing you this last year to Update your ID, address and tax number ?
Because of the internet.
Really. Information technology allows the tax man to exchange hugh amounts of Data with the countries it cooperates with.
They all cooperate apart from the extremes - North Korea anyone ?
Save Probate Costs & Inheritance Tax with Cyprus Property Trust 9 Benefits of a Cyprus Property Family Trust
Do you ever wonder how your family would deal with your Overseas Property on Death? How your wife, husband, children would cope with the time, expense and development of settling your estate in your home country and overseas?
How would you tackle the UK probate and Inheritance tax assessment, a possible demand for 40% inheritance tax payable with 6 months of death?
A simple UK probate on average takes 9 months to settle. If you need probate overseas as well then that time is easily doubled. How would your family manage the overseas property? What is the expense of Probate lawyers overseas (10%) and offshore property agents (5%) and the time off work and travel to clear up your time living and working abroad?
We have created a free article on our website listing the 7 Benefits of a Cyprus Property Family Trust for expats owning overseas property in Cyprus and other countries.
We know from experience over 20 years that planning ahead to protect your Family overseas property assets from the cost and delay of Probate, Forced Sale and Inheritance Tax at a difficult time for your loved ones.
ProACT can help you protect your family assets down the generations.
Remember, we offer a FREE no obligation Review.
7 Benefits of a Cyprus Property Family Trust
1. The Trust Deed & Gift can be created
10 Things To Do for Expats to Protect Overseas Property Investment
Sam Orgill www.proactpartnership.com asks what do you want from the changes to Domicile from a Cyprus perspective. Change of Domicile Impacts Everything
In the Summer of 2015 Cyprus has introduced wide ranging changes in legislation that has a direct impact on the tax status of assets held by expats in Cyprus.
Now every Expat must review their Wills, Inheritance Tax, Savings Taxes and Property Title Deeds: to bring their needs in line with the new legislation.
Click Here Register for Free Services From ProACT Tax Saving Expat Experts
Sam Orgill of www.proactpartnership.com gives
5 Things Expats Should include in Their Exit Strategy - when Living and Working Abroad Goes Wrong
What gets missed, in the excitement and enthusiasm of relocating overseas, achieving your dream of Living and Working Aboard, investing in overseas property and business, is an exit strategy.
We all get carried away with something new, something exciting, and can easily allow our common sense to be left on the beach while we go in search of promised new lands, home and work abroad. But what then? How do we get back home? What if the dream fails?
Here’s a check list of 5 things for expats to include in their exit strategy.
2017 Cyprus Temporary Tax Returns and Payment Now Due
The tax return deadline is 31/7/17 for 017 Cyprus Temporary Tax Returns and Payment Now Due.
If you have yet to make a return then you have a month left to complete the return and make any tax due without penalty.
The Cyprus temporary tax return is an estimate of income tax due for the current year and is due from 1st July.
ProACT Partnership Tax Saving Expat Experts -Tax Return Service
Need help completing a return ? What advice on when to pay ? Need to be sure to avaoid penalties ? Contact-us for Free Review
Sam Orgill
ProACT Partnership Expatriate Advice
Countries UK Expats Get State Pension Indexing
ProACT are Expat Experts for people Living and Working Abroad
when Considering a retirement location there are many things to consider.
Contact-Us www.proactpartnership.com/contact-us
for a Free Review on any Expat Expert question.
UK state pensions retain indexing for Expats Living and Working Abroad in The following Countries.
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Pension indexing 161101
The EEA countries are:
Bank Deposit Guarantees for Cyprus Banks
Have you ever wondered how safe your Cyprus Bank Deposits are ? Are you fearful of the 2013 Cyprus banking collapse and loss of investor deposits. ? If a bank fails how long before you get your money back.
Here's an outline of how Cyprus Bank deposits are covered. Note these are an EU standard and apply to other EU banks with minor local variations.
Safer Than a Bank
EU Brexit for Expats - Cyprus Solution
EU Brexit for Expats contains many uncertainties. Expats are concerned to know with cettainty how they will be affected.
Come January 2017 EU Brexit is given momentum by the Trump factor as the new USA president shakes things up globally. The consensus politics of the world are being disrupted and new paradigms are being set.
Read More and Contact Us for Expat Tax, Overseas Property, Wills, Estates, Business
Property Rental & Tax Disclosure
If you are advertising your overseas property rental on third party property rental sites, that service is now required under 'know your client rules' to record your tax number as the landlord.
This is part of Common exchange of information ruleswing introduced globally and company and individual beneficiaries are nowrequire you to now disclose
Will You Wait for the Date?
When you consider relocation the first thing you consider is somewhere to live. The second is to manage your income, whether from pension, investments, business or as a contractor. When you make the move to become an expat you get busy making local registrations for everything from electricity to visas, tax to social club, bank accounts to medical. We understand this.
Will You Wait for the Date? ProACT Sam Orgill gives 5 Actions to Protect your Overseas Property Investment from Expenses Plus Capital + Inheritance Tax Savings
Read more click the link